Wildfire CE Project of Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 2021-2027

Wildfire CE Project of Interreg CENTRAL Europe Programme 2021-2027

The Wildfire CE project aims to create a cross-border early warning system for forest fires. Due to the ongoing climate change, the temperature increase already underway and the expected dramatic weather fluctuations bringing, among other things, longer periods with minimal rainfall in the summer months, the risk of forest fires in Central Europe is increasing significantly.

The aim of the project is to create a multilingual information portal allowing for the early specification of areas with increased or high risk of forest fire occurrence and spread, taking into account terrain configuration, type and condition of land cover, current humidity/precipitation, wind strength and direction and other parameters. All this with a cross-border overlap, or using data from both sides of the national border.

The lead partner of the project is the Saxon Ministry of Regional Development (Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development), the project preparation is organised by the Technical University of Dresden. The project will involve institutions and organisations from Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia and Italy.

Duration: June 2024-May 2026

Project leader: Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development (DE)

Other partners:

Total project budget: €2.25 million (80% co-financed by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 programme)

Miroslav Fanta, miroslav.fanta@cenia.cz