Economic Aspects of Remediation of Contaminated Sites and Brownfields from a Public Administration Perspective

Economic Aspects of Remediation of Contaminated Sites and Brownfields from a Public Administration Perspective (EkoAS, 2024 – 2026)

7th public competition of the Programme for the Support of Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in the Field of Environment – Environment for Life

The project aims to develop innovative tools, proposals for procedures and updates of methodological practices in the field of contaminated sites. By offering possible approaches, the project aims to support public administrations in the field of brownfield and brownfield contamination removal through research based on economic and database analysis.

The results of the project will be used to assess the existing public policy on contamination and to propose a concept for the management and remediation of contaminated sites and brownfields. These proposals will take into account the carrying capacity of the various relevant measures and will lead to a more effective approach to the issue of contamination removal and brownfields redevelopment. Furthermore, the project will provide the basis for the extension of the SECM database and will also find its use within the MoE. A range of technical information on remediation measures carried out is available in the current SEKM database. However, the system currently operates more on the principle of a detailed record of uniform intentions; the main objective of this project is to propose innovations to the system so that it can be used more as an effective tool for decision-making on the possible decontamination of a given site.

The subject of the solution and research activities is divided into four thematic work areas and individual sub-tasks, which reflect the comprehensive areas in the topic. The fifth – organizational – work area is Project Management:

  1. Economic analysis of the valuation of public goods and remediation costs and a tool for cost decision making
    The aim of this part of the project is to support the performance of public administration in the issue of contaminated sites and brownfields, especially in terms of the economic viability of the various relevant measures.
  2. Basis for searching and publishing KM remediation parameters and cost decision-making
    In this thematic area, the aim is to propose a typology/cataloguing of remediation methods for the use of types as a search/filtering parameter and to compile remediation cost parameters for a tool – module – for decision-making of the MoE and to create a publishing and reporting tool in the form of a map with expert content presenting the spatial distribution of remediation costs and scenarios for reducing contamination load.
  3. Preliminary survey/audit of unexplored sites carried out on the basis of new benchmarks and updating of the guidance document
    The aim is to propose new benchmarks for the assessment of contaminant concentrations in soils, groundwater and soil air depending on the functional use of the area for the update of the MP Indicators or for the proposal of a new MP to replace it.
  4. State policy and concept of contamination load reduction and presentation of novelties in the methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Environment
    The aim is to develop a search of Czech and international legislation and to evaluate the development of public funding in the field of contamination load reduction from contaminated sites and brownfields with a summary evaluation of relevant state policy in the period 2004-2023. To develop a draft concept for the management and remediation of KM and brownfields in the Czech Republic in the horizons 2030, 2040, 2050. To develop and discuss with the professional public the draft updated methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Environment and to present them with further outputs of the project.
  5. Project management
    Provide leadership and coordination of the project among the project co-investigators and represent the project to the TAČR and the application guarantor and ensure operational coordination of the project on a daily basis.

Principal Investigator:
Czech Environmental Information Agency

Project partners:
Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Mining and Metallurgy – Technical University of Ostrava,
AQD-envitest, s.r.o.

Project leader:
Jiří Valta,