The National Information System for Collection and Assessment of Environmental Pollution Information (CISAŽP) project, implemented in 2009-2015, aimed to substantially increase the transparency, consistency and efficiency of contact between businesses, public administration and the public with the Ministry of the Environment.
To this end, the project developed an information system consisting of three main parts: the Integrated Reporting Obligations Compliance System (ISPOP), the Environmental Helpdesk (EnviHELP) and the Geoportal.
The implementation of the project outputs allows for a significant simplification of reporting obligations and the performance of state administration through the computerisation of the agencies of the Ministry of the Environment. The information entering the CISAŽP system is analysed, comprehensively evaluated and placed in a broad context taking into account economic and social aspects and linkages, and is thus an important basis and starting point for the formulation of priorities and objectives for the protection and improvement of the environment in the Czech Republic.
The main users of the new information system are state administration authorities and institutions, but access to it is also provided to the public.
The project has been co-financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) under the Operational Programme Environment, Priority Axis 5 Industrial Pollution Control and Environmental Risk Reduction, Support Area 5.1.
Jan Nepimach,